Given that the dimension of diagnostics in psychiatry remains subject to a marked fluidity that leaves many diagnoses open to often radical adjustments, it seems only a question of time before the issue of uncertainty here becomes conveniently resolved by identifying a Neurodevelopmental Disorder itself as the diagnosis. Subsequent effort at intervention may then be less than helpful. It has happened before with the classification of Minimal Brain Damage, Borderline, and today with ADHD. In a sense, and however offensive, so broad and inclusive a category of mental and physical impairment is not far removed from what was understood in the 18th century as Madness and Lunacy
:Biometric Markers of Autism
The single defining biometric maker specific to every instance of autism underlines the inability of the libido to link to targets in the world dimension external to that person. Inasmuch as the energy factor invested in the libido may be considerable, it is wholly insulated from the matrix of social world objects wherein libido becomes invested and attachments permitted. Being unable to identify them precludes accessing them. What we identify as constituting the range or spectrum of autistic disorders is defined at the high end largely by neurological expressions of strong cognitive factors (Asperger’s Syndrome) and increasingly impaired functioning with derivatives of subconscious largely uncontrollable impulses and drives that remain intense and unmitigated by efforts at intervention. Acute hysterical reactions to undefined stimuli and blindly repetitive and compulsive behaviors would be two of very many manifest behaviors consistent with the spectrum of autistic disorders. Explaining any of them in the context of a neurodevelopmental disorder may be intellectually correct and professionally sound, but adds virtually nothing to addressing the disturbance in a therapeutic program
Note in the prints below that the Thenar line, the line that traces the perimeter of the Thenar Mount, falls considerably short of having its origin at the very edge of the palm. Just as the ulnar side of the palm, from the little finger through the percussion dimension, depicts unconscious and subconscious references to the Self. The radial, or thumb side, of the palm anchors the individual in his or her physical, material and social real-world dimension. In all instances where the Thenar Line fails to reach the perimeter of the radial side of the palm an autistic condition will prevail. However rich the Thenar Mount may describe the libidinal investments therein, they can neither accessnor identify let alone bond to a body external to itself
The prints below are those of a 16 year old boy diagnosed as autistic. Note in both that the Thenar Line fails to extend as a complete crease to the radial edge of the palm.
Note, as well, that the Proximal Transverse Crease, (popularly described as the Line of Head) also appears to disintegrate before extending to the edge of the palm. This suggests that cognitive faculties would not be enlisted that might partially have mitigated the autistic condition. This precludes a diagnoses of Asperger’s Syndrome or other high-functioning autistic spectrum disorder